
Introduction to psychological factors influencing learning and performing motor skills and the psycho-social influences of sport, exercise, and physical activity on the developing individual. Emphasis will be on the application of current motor learning and sport and exercise psychology theories on such topics as learning, motivation, goal setting, stress, anxiety, group dynamics, leadership, moral development, and exercise adherence.

Course taught in face-to-face, hybrid, or online modes.

Examines and utilizes basic sociological concepts and demonstrates their manifestations in the teaching of physical education and sports.

This course is designed to introduce students to an overview of issues, images, and identities of women participating at various levels of sport in the United States. Attention will be given to the historical, social, political, and economic contexts that have influenced the American woman's experiences in sport.

This course examines the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The role of energy balance, exercise and nutrition on body weight mana/T GEment, nutritional recommendations for the physically active person,eating disorders, nutritional ergogenic aids, and supplementations are examined.

Lecture; laboratory. Presents the quantitative and qualitative analysis of human movement and the anatomic concepts needed for understanding human movement in relation to mechanical effects such as application of force in relation to center of mass, displacement, velocity, acceleration of bodies, and buoyancy. Emphasis is on understanding and application of principles to any movement pattern.

Lecture; laboratory. Study of the acute and chronic effects of human activity and exercise. Laboratory and field experiences in selected areas, including exercise metabolism, skeletal muscle and cardiopulmonary physiology, body composition estimation, and nutrition as they pertain to clinical, fitness, and sports settings.

An introduction to and practice in applying the concepts and principles of developmentally appropriate physical education for children.

This course educates future coaches on the moral and ethical dilemmas typically encountered in competitive athletics. Students will also develop strategies to address various forms of exclusion and inequity in sports and athletics. 

A survey of issues encountered by coaches in all sports. Topics will include, but are not limited to, communication with players, colleagues, and administration; ethical issues and responsibilities; coaching philosophies; relations with media and community; time management; coach and athlete motivation; mental training skills; and equipment and facilities management.
