"YJ" Yonjoong Ryuh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

(707) 664-2678
PE 17Office Hours
Wed: 9:30 am-12:00 pm
Also by appointment. Schedule via email.
Advising Area
- Lifetime Physical Activity
- He came to Sonoma State in the Fall of 2020 as an Assistant Professor.
- He was born in the State of Indiana, but moved to South Korea when he was a year old.
- He was a Division 1 soccer player at Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea, under Korea University Football Confederation (KUFC), and then became an assistant coach for the SNU soccer team while he is working on his Master’s degree.
- In Korea, he was a PE teacher, athletic trainer for high school student-athletes, and director of many adapted physical activity programs.
- He came to Mississippi State University to study motor behavior and exercise science in individuals with all abilities. Currently, he is working on connecting both areas of study, motor learning and adaptive physical activity, to support the disability population and their family to be more physically active and healthier.
- He is not currently playing soccer although he would love to; instead, he enjoys golf and tennis. He is a single golfer (handicap: 7 over par) and won a champion of the Rohnert Park Tennis Club adult doubles league (USTA 4.0) in 2021.
- Ph.D. in Exercise Science, emphasis on motor learning in intellectual disability, Department of Kinesiology, Mississippi State University, MS State, MS, 2020
- M.S. in Adapted Physical Activity, Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 2014
- B.S. in Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 2012
Academic Interests

Enhance motor skill acquisition in retention in individuals with all ability
- Study motor control and learning theories and techniques that have been validated in typically developing people with healthy young adults
- Find potentially applicable avenues to enhance motor skill acquisition and retention in individuals with developmental disabilities (e.g., attentional focus, implicit practice, and practice under reduced-error condition with higher expectancy)
- Modify the instruction and apply them to exercise programs for people with disabilities and parents (i.e., Seawolf FIT program: click HERE for the program information)
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Chen, C.-C. (JJ), Ryuh, Y-J., Donald, M., & Rayner, M. (2022) The Impact of Badminton Lessons on Health and Wellness of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 68(5), 703-711, https://doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2021.1882716
- Chen, C.-C. (JJ), Ryuh, Y., Luczak, T., & Lamberth, J. (2022). Examining Different Foci of Attention on Golf Putting Performance in Novice Learners. The Physical Educator, 79(4), 466-483.
- Ryuh, Y.J, Chen, C.-C. (JJ), Pan, Z, Gadke, D.L., Elmore-Staton, L.S., Pan, C.-Y., & Cosgriff, A. (2022). Promoting Physical Activity through Exergaming in Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 68(2), 227-233. https://doi.org/10.1080/20473869.2019.1605771
- Chen, C.-C. (JJ), Kulinna, P.H., Spring, K.E., Ryuh, Y., & Holmes, M.E. (2022). The Evaluation of Physical Literacy of Preservice Physical Educators. The Physical Educator, 79(5), 548-568. https://doi.org/10.18666/TPE-2022-V79-I5-10908
- Chen, C.-C., Ryuh, YJ, & Mackey, K. (Accepted-in press). The Cognitive Effect of Unified Flag Football Program in Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: The Exploratory Study. The Physical Educator.
- Chen, C-C., Ryuh, Y., Lamberth, J., Pan, Z., Tomporowski, P. D., & Conners, F. A (accepted), Acute Effect of Skill Random Practice Versus Cardiovascular Exercise on Motor Learning of a Golf Putting Task, International Journal of Sport Psychology.
- Chen, C-C, Ryuh, Y., Luczak, T., & Lamberth. J. (2021). The Effects of Attentional Focus and Skill Level on the Performance of Golf Putting. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jmld.2020-0072.
- Chen C.-C. (JJ), Ringenbach S.D.R., Ryuh Y.J., Hardwick H. (2021). A Preliminary Exploration of Relationships between Executive Functioning and Motor Skills in Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 8(2): 555733. DOI: 10.19080/GJIDD.2021.08.555733