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Seawolf Bundle

The Seawolf Bundle program is designed to support student learning by lowering the cost of course materials and making them available by the first day of class.

How it works

Once you are enrolled in classes, you are also enrolled in the Seawolf Bundle program. You will be charged a flat rate of $18.50 per enrolled credit hour (unit), which comes to $277.50 for 15 credits. Thirty days before the start of the semester, you will receive an email confirming your required course materials. If you decide to remain in the Seawolf Bundle program, you do not have to do anything. If you choose to opt-out, you can do so at the B&N Adoption website.

Things to consider before opting in/out

  • Log onto your registration portal. Check your class schedule to see which courses require a textbook, lab manual, etc., and the individual cost for items without the Seawolf Bundle. See below for the required materials for Kinesiology courses by semester.
  • Check how many of your courses have a zero-cost designation. If three of your four courses are zero-cost, it may make sense to opt out of the Seawolf Bundle.
  • In general, textbooks for physical and biological sciences tend to be expensive. Chances are, if you are in 2 to 3 of these courses, the Seawolf Bundle will save you money.
  • The Seawolf Bundle provides course materials by the first day of classes. Some instructors schedule homework or a quiz during the first week. Using the Seawolf Bundle may support you in starting strong in your courses.

Opting out

To opt out, visit the B&N Adoption website (you will need to create an account the first time you visit). You may opt out of the Seawolf Bundle up until the course add/drop deadline (check the Academic Calendar to confirm add/drop dates for the semester). 

The Seawolf Bundle provides equitable access for all. Just as students pay the same price for courses, the Seawolf Bundle allows for affordable learning materials across different academic programs.